Mon. - Thurs. 8 AM - 8:30 PM
Friday 8 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat. - Sun. Closed
338 Stokes Rd
Medford, NJ 08055
Services Offered At A Glance
Styku 3D Body Scan
Body Composition Analysis
See your body shape, track your progress over time, and set attainable goals with the fat-loss calorie consumption feature with a fast and non-invasive scan.
The Quickboard
Agility Rating
Measure movement efficiency, reaction, proprioception/accuracy, symmetry and explosiveness.
Power Assessment
Performance Testing provides insights and recommendations for training based on results. Measure power and compare imbalances between right and left.
DorsaVi Athletic Movement Index
Biomechanics Analysis
Obtain a report of biometric data to track muscular imbalances and movement patterns. Receive immediate and objective results that can be used to personalize your training goals and prevent injuries.
Running Assessment
Gait Analysis
Mechanics assessment including Ground Force Reaction, Initial Peak Acceleration and Ground Contact time.
Proactive Concussion Management
In our commitment to athlete safety, we offer a specialized Concussion Screening Package. This critical service features a pre-injury baseline assessment and post-injury follow-ups, providing invaluable data to safeguard your cognitive health.
To register for any of our services please use the MindBody:
If you have questions or would like to learn more please contact: erica@analyticsforathletes.com